
Every year we accommodate congresses of small, medium and large size, coming from all lines of business. 


In order to respond to your expectations, it is also possible to privatise one or more floors, spaces or the entire CICG premises.


All our main rooms are equipped to meet your technical needs and give your participants the opportunity to express themselves and present their papers and analyses in excellent conditions.


Our experience and our expertise will accompany you at every stage of the event you are organizing, from the first contact until the end of your stay in our premises. For your plenary sessions, conferences, opening ceremonies, debates, banquets, coffee breaks, shows, exhibitions and poster sessions, we will be working alongside you and it is together that we will make your congress a success.


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Discover all our spaces

The four main rooms, equipped with interpretation booths for six to eight languages, can be used independently of one another or put together to make a single large plenary room.

In addition, to facilitate committee work, the CICG has 14 rooms available from 12 to 100 places, some of which are equipped with simultaneous interpretation booths. Each room offers a different atmosphere and can be configured according to your needs (ask for quotation).

Totally, multipurpose spaces are situated on different floors of the CICG with more than 4000sqm of surface area.

Our offer is completed by a versatile restaurant area dominating the main hall, with direct access to our terrace. It responds to your needs in order to welcome your guests in a warm atmosphere.


Our Services

In order to best respond to your needs, we offer you a wide range of services.

Discover the main services we can provide for your events.

All of your wishes will be analysed by our teams, who will adapt to your requests in order to propose the best solutions.

Destination Geneva

One thousand and one reasons to organise your event in Geneva.

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